Hello Everyone,
Anyone who has spent time in a hospital, as either a patient or visitor, is likely to have been dismayed by how estranged that environment is from the natural world. It is an impersonal place of disease-care based upon intellect-driven standards and statistics, rather than of health-creation based upon ongoing connection with the natural and spiritual worlds.
True health is synonymous with wholeness of being. Disease is the consequence of living in fragments, separated from nature and from spirit. At one time, healing was viewed as being made whole again. It is illogical to assume that the disconnected treatment of parts would have the potential to restore wholeness. Now, the term “healthy” has come to be defined as a state wherein drugs, surgical procedures, etc. effectively suppress symptoms of disease to the degree that a person can continue to violate the laws of Nature with impunity while the disease, like an underwater volcano, continues to clandestinely build destructive pressure.
Clearly, it is time to reverse the centuries-old paradigm shift from wholism to reductionism. If not, there is no question that human society in general, and human health in particular, will continue to trend toward depersonalization and “dis-ease.” Remember, wholing precedes true healing, not vice versa.
How to become Whole again?
Disharmonious operations of the mind/body organism, in general, precedes the localization of a disease state. The functional and organic changes that ensue after localization are the results of the disease, not the disease itself.
The physicians of ancient times understood the inseparability of the human being from the natural universe and that disease was a consequence of, and perpetuated by, alienation of individuals from their natural milieu. Hence, those physicians used fundamental elements such as fresh air, pure water, sunlight, natural diet and exercise not only to ameliorate symptoms in the short-term, but to effect the reintegration needed to sustain health in the long-term.
As a traditional naturopath since the early 70s, I've developed systems to make the individual whole again. Some of the most successful soul-level healing modalities I developed or have used include:
and Modern wellness technologies based on basic building blocks of life such as molecular hydrogen and electromagnetic field therapies.
Are Waerland in In The Cauldron Of Disease defined health as: “a robust anatomical, physiological and psychological reaction to a lifestyle consistent with innate, human biological imperatives. Conversely, disease is an unsound, enfeebled, anatomical, physiological and psychological reaction to abnormal lifestyle conditions which are biologically incorrect, artificial, and thus, unnatural to the human organism.” In other words, health or disease exists to the degree that the fundamental elements of life are present or absent.
This compelling logic supports the practice of artfully employing the fundamental elements of life as the primary therapeutic tools for restoring and maintaining health.
I hope you take this opportunity to learn from me and sign up today for the NHSS/SPE Membership Program to receive the invitation for the next class. The member zone gives you access to several resources and video classes to expand your knowledge and prepare some powerful remedies too. To join my regular classes, simply sign up for the NHSS/SPE Membership Program and you will receive a link to our next Zoom class along with the student and practitioners newsletter.
The next member’s class is on Tuesday Ocober 22nd, 2024. During the first hour of the class, I will demonstrate how I formulated the 3 deep-acting Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) blends, one for each of the 3 joints of the arms (wrists, elbows, shoulders) that are the focus of the NHSS Acu-Energetics Balance System Manual: Volume I. In the previous class, I discussed the formulation of the blends for the ankles, knees and hips. I will also expand upon the selection of which acupoints to select to treat joint pain by introducing what I am referring to as the Inverse Mirroring Correspondences. You will see what that means during the class. In the 2nd hour of Tuesday's class, I will present an in-depth discussion of Spikenard oil and rhythmicity. As described in previous classes, good health is a function of rhythmicity in one's life and within the spirit/mind/body organism. On the other hand, disease and emotional disharmony are always associated with a dysrhythmic pattern of living and organismic functioning.
Please feel free to write to me if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy reading the articles in this newsletter and find the information beneficial in your journey to wholeness of being while improving your practice and skills. There's a lot more in store for my readers and students, so stay subscribed here!
Dr. Bruce Berkowsky (NMD, MRN, CTN, MH, DHM, HMC, PhD (Nutrition), NCTMB)
Essential Oils And The Divine Feminine
The Divine Feminine can be perceived in plant matter, it is most tangible and accessible in essential oils. An essential oil’s inner soul-nature, illuminated by the Divine Feminine, serves as the light, and its material substance is the vessel.
My Encounter with the Spirit of Cora: A Transitional Journey Using Essential Oils
In the process of writing the Douglas-fir chapter for my Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils, I have discovered that paternal nurturing is one of the central themes of the inner nature of Douglas-fir oil. Elaborating this theme rekindled a vivid memory of encountering Cora, a 5-year-old girl…who had died more than 80-years before.
Archetypal images, Juniper Oil and Cowboy Jack
I had a lot of unique experiences that summer but only a few have stayed so vividly chronicled in my memory. It wasn’t until 25 years after I had my encounter with Jack – when I was writing the Juniper chapter for my Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils – that I realized Jack was an archetypical Juniper individual, and it was no coincidence that he chose to live under a juniper tree.
Cannabis Pain-relief Salve: Part I
In Part I of this article, I will be providing general information about cannabis’ active ingredients and physiological actions. I will also specify which type of cannabis I suggest for homemade preparations.
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Join the membership program to have access to guidance, lectures and workshops and more by Dr. Berkowsky on the theory and practice of the Natural Health Science System (NHSS) and Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE).
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