Spiritual PhytoEssencing for Chakras / Meridians; Membership Program Topics; Free Articles & More!

Hello Everyone,

I designed the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) to help an individual overcome the separation from one’s higher self that lies at the core of emotional and physical disharmony.

Anthroposophical science teaches that plants produce fragrance as a means of absorbing “the soul” of the sun which contains the essence of spirit. Fragrance formation represents an interaction between terrestrial and cosmic forces, and it’s used by the plant as a means of uniting with the spiritual essence contained within sunbeams.

The central reference text in Spiritual PhytoEssencing is Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils, which contains 120+ chapters, each devoted to the elaboration of the inner soul-nature of a specific essential oil. This process of elaboration involves the interweaving of information regarding plant characteristics, habitat, historical and folkloric associations, and therapeutic actions with a diverse variety of associated synchronicities.

Berkowsky’s Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils

The other important resource to learn and practice SPE is Spiritual PhytoEssencing Repertory of Essential Oils – a reference guide arranged as over 2500 rubrics that lists relevant essential oils under the headings of various constitutional archetypes and qualities, reactional tendencies, mental, emotional and physical symptoms, dreams and more.

SPE is an art that employs essential oils for deep psycho-spiritual healing. One of its basic tenets is that in order for healing work with essential oils to be consistently effective and life changing, direct interface with an individual’s innermost realm—the soul, must be achieved.

As someone’s unique archetypal construct represents the actual fabric of his or her inner core nature, the starting point for developing a customized, soul-healing essential oil blend for someone is to identify the central archetypal disturbances that underlie the outwardly expressed archetypal images (e.g., symptoms such as anxiety, depression, discouragement, disease patterns, etc.) of his or her core disharmony and conflict.

Focusing exclusively upon the amelioration of symptoms (i.e., the archetypal images), while often providing a degree of relief, exerts no lasting impression upon the dynamics of the underlying, disharmonious archetypal state that constitutes the central disturbance in most cases of chronic disease and/or discontentment.

The only way to achieve fundamental transformation on a true-self level is via direct engagement of the archetypal components associated with the person’s inner soul nature and the origins of his or her self-structure.

Once you have good understanding of both – the individualized inner natures of various essential oils and the use of the Repertory, it is be possible to start creating deep-acting, customized blends that engage with the psyche on a core level. Even if you don't have the time to make essential oil blends at home, the information in these eBooks will help you understand how to work with essential oils using the SPE method.

Essential Oil Blending for Chakra Healing

The soul is the repository of archetypal forms, which, though non-material in and of themselves, give rise to and sustain all of the organism’s tangible mental and physical manifestations. A chakra can be viewed as being a type of archetypal form.

Once one identifies which chakras are more influential than others in a person’s mental and physical nature, then oils whose pattern of chakra affinities have a high degree of congruence with that person’s pattern can be selected for inclusion in a personalized blend that encourages soul-level healing. In this way, the blend will serve as a mirrored reflection of an important aspect of that soul’s archetypal make-up.

Information on chakra affinities are presented in my Six Elements and Chakras Workbook. I have also developed a blend called the Master Chakra Blend, to help harmonize all one’s chakras.

If you really want to develop these rare healing skills, gain access to the inner realm of the essential oils and, in the process, move forward to full presence of being, I suggest you take advantage of the NHSS/SPE Membership Program to do so in the comfort of your own home.

Learn more and Sign up

The program also offers my Natural Health Science System (NHSS). The NHSS consists of a synthesis of all the components of my practice and my lifestyle over the course of 45 years. Although retired now from naturopathic practice, the following components still serve as the paving stones for the pathway of my daily existence:

  1. the basic principles of healthful, all-natural diet,

  2. strategic nutritional supplementation,

  3. herbal medicine,

  4. cell salts, homeopathy,

  5. Vital-Chi Skin-Brushing,

  6. hydrotherapies, healthful sunbathing,

  7. stretching exercises, chi kung (qigong) exercise, deep breathing exercises,

  8. acupoint therapy

  9. and other forms of self-directed therapeutic bodywork.

Additionally, I use invaluable supportive technologies as needed, including molecular hydrogen inhalation, pulsed electromagnetic fields therapies, cold laser and other technologies.

My basic premise in teaching the NHSS has always been that each person should have the knowledge and skills to preserve good health and to be a skillful healer within one’s own home.

I need to emphasize that this program is not designed exclusively for professional practitioners of the healing arts. For the last 35 years, my goal has always been to provide guidance regarding the basics of self-healing on both physical and psycho-spiritual levels. I feel this is a crucial factor in taking control of one’s life. Even if you only use the knowledge and skills you will learn in my classes for self-healing or helping your friends and family, you are just as important to me as a teacher as a student who uses those skills effectively in a professional practice.

I hope you find our content beneficial in your journey toward wholeness of being. As always, please feel free to write to me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. BB

2025 Member’s Program – Current Topics

Vitamin D, Cancer and Overweight/Obesity

It is estimated that 43% of Americans qualify as obese and another 40% as overweight. As being overweight increases the risk of virtually every chronic disease, the health implications of these statistics for the population of this country are staggering. That is why, this year, one of my main focuses for the membership program will be the problem of overweight and obesity and how to develop personalized, holistic weight-loss protocols. Read the complete article here.

City of Angel Wildfire Trauma-Relief Blend
This weekend, I will be sending you a link to video I am making regarding a special SPE essential oil blend that I have just completed blending. You will also receive the blending blueprint for the formula, in case you would like to prepare the blend yourself.

Recently, one of the SPE Diplomate candidates, Michelle, wrote to me inquiring about the possibility of developing a customized essential oil blend for those who have been traumatized by the horrendous wildfires in the Los Angeles area. She is a member of community of herbalists, some of whom have been directly, profoundly impacted by the fires. Recognizing the urgency of this mission, I immediately began to formulate the blend. This morning I added the Magic Drops to the blend, the final step in the SPE blending process. It is a very compelling, potent and deep-acting blend. Michelle will be organizing and overseeing the process of distributing dilutions of the blend to the practitioners within her network of healers, who will then use it to bring the healing power of the blend to those traumatized (injured, lost their homes, possessions, pets, etc.) by the fires.

I chose to formulate this blend in a unique way. The video that I will be sending the members goes over this method of formulation in complete detail. If you view the whole video, you will learn a lot about how to formulate SPE essential oil blends by creative use of the SPE Repertory of Essential Oils. The first part of the formulation process involved the 5 Element Theory of Chinese medicine. I provide basic insight about how the 5 Elements build or control each other. This information can be used not only in formulating deep-acting blends, but also in the treatment of physical and emotional disharmonies.

I will also be sharing the formula for the blend which I have named: City of Angel Wildfire Trauma-Relief Blend. If you, or someone you know, has been traumatized or otherwise deeply impacted by the fires, you will have the opportunity to prepare the blend. I will also provide details on how to use it, where to apply it to on the skin, how to dilute it, etc.

The Yin and Yang of Essential Oils

I have just completed a 30 page article entitled The Yin and Yang of Essential Oils that will be posted in the member zone in about one week. This article represents a deep dive into how to determine which oils from a group of oils that have an affinity for a particular reaction area (e.g., the liver, the heart, the brain, etc.), is best suited for use in a given case that involves that reaction area, based upon the Yin or Yang nature of the condition being addressed.

This is a completely original perspective that I am developing for SPE work that I have not seen previously described. The article features a good deal of the Chinese medicine perspective. However, I make sure that aspect of the discussion is very basic, clear and understandable to anyone, especially those who have had no prior experience with the theory and practice of Chinese medicine.

NHSS Cell Salts Integrated Modality Protocol Video Class Available now!

A 2-hour class devoted to a discussion of how to select cell salts and corresponding essential oils based upon positions on the Meridian Clock. You will learn how to select synergistic cell salts and create a custom essential oil combination in minutes, simply through the use of this clock diagram and cell salts/corresponding essential oil relationships.

Learn more

Free Articles

Foods That Build Immunological Resisting Power: Coconut Oil and Viral Infection

immunity coconut oil lauric acid viral infection essential oil

Learn how to use coconut oil for building immunological resisting power, Dr. Berkowsky’s coconut milk recipe and essential oil formula.

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Magnesium, the Cell Salt Magnesium Phosphate and Muscle Tension, Spasms and Anxiety

magnesium muscle tension mag phos

In this article, I discuss magnesium and the magnesium cell salt– Mag. phos. (Magnesium phosphate). Mag. phos. is one of the leading cell salts for those struggling to move forward despite the formidable headwinds of high-stress contemporary existence.

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Rejuvenate Thyroid Function with Skin-Brushing, Hydrotherapy and Essential Oils

Thyroid Skin-Brushing Hydrotherapy and Essential Oils aromatherapy

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New Clinical Trials on Hydrogen Inhalation for Alzheimer’s Disease Show Improvement in Cognitive Abilities

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Two new clinical trials show the benefits of hydrogen inhalation in alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

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DISCLAIMER: All content is intended as an educational tool, and not as a prescription. Readers are advised to seek the advice of their healthcare providers before discontinuing any medication and/or trying any new remedy or technique.
© Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky is the founder/teacher of the Natural Health Science System™ which he has developed over the course of his 40+ years of research and private practice, and includes: traditional naturopathy (N.M.D., MRN, CTN); herbology (M.H.); nutrition (Ph.D.); homeopathy (DHM, H.M.C.); massage and bodywork (NCTMB); aromatherapy (cert.); constitutional iridology (cert.) as well as East/West healing arts/exercises/bodywork.

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

Dr. Berkowsky, a registered naturopath, master herbalist and classical homeopath, is the founder/teacher of Spiritual PhytoEssencing and the Natural Health Science System which he designed following many years of research and clinical practice.