City of Angels WildFire Relief Blend, Spiritual PhytoEssencing Blend Formulating, Use, Potentized Dilution, 5 Element Theory & More!

Hello Everyone,

The first video series for 2025 NHSS/SPE Membership program is presented free on Youtube!

This 2.5 hours+ series provides an in-depth view of the Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) method of essential oil blend formulation using the SPE Repertory of Essential Oils and the SPE Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils with a focus on a blend formulated for use with those who were traumatized by the Los Angeles wildfires.

This series provides a wide spectrum of information regarding not only SPE blending and the use of SPE oil blends, but also physiology and pathology from both a Western and Chinese perspective, and the nature of trauma.

The 3-parts ostensibly focus on a blend I formulated for use with those who were traumatized by the recent Los Angeles wildfires. Thousands of people lost their homes and all their possessions. Some lost loved ones and/or beloved pets. That experience is now being complicated by rainy weather conditions which potentiate landslides in the burned over areas of trees and brush whose roots would normally stabilize the soil.If any of you were personally affected by the wildfires or know people who were, and you would like to prepare the blend (SPE City of Angels Wildfire Trauma-Relief Blend), you will be able to do so after viewing the recording.

The blending blueprint is available to members of NHSS/SPE Membership Program to download. However, for most of you the series will serve the purpose of providing an in-depth view of the SPE method of blend formulation using the SPE Repertory of Essential Oils and SPE Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils.

Part 1 of the video focuses on blend formulation that also includes a discussion of the physiology of the liver, lungs and kidneys, internal patterns (i.e., internal cold, heat, dampness, dryness and/or wind), and an understanding of the nature of trauma.

Part 2 focuses on the application of the blend. The blend is being used in 4% dilution and applied to specific acupoint patterns. I describe the use of specific synergistic vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines of acupoints derived from a system of acupuncture developed by the great 20th century master, Master Tung. These synergistic lines of points (comparable to lines of telephone poles along a country road), greatly amplify the chi signal generated by the practitioner’s treatment of them. These synergistic acupoint patterns are referred to as Dao Ma. I present 4 different Dao Mas (one each for the kidneys, liver, lungs and stomach) which, in addition to being treated with the oil blend, can be treated with needles, or acupressure, a tsen-shin tool, color light and/or acupoint magnets.

I also discuss the use in SPE of homeopathic-style potentized dilutions of the oil blend that is taken internally. I suggest that the City of Angels blend be applied externally to the 4 Dao Ma in 4% dilution and taken internally as a 4X potency (1 to 10,000 dilution). A 10 drop dose of a 4X potentized dilution represents the ingestion of only one thousandth of one drop of the blend.

Finally, in Part 3 of the video, I go over the blending blueprint for preparing the blend and discuss the SPE rationale for preparing a blend in layers. I explain why all SPE blends are prepared in a series of sequential layers and also discusses some of the alchemy techniques of SPE blending including the Surrounding Essence, Invisible Sparks and Magic Drops techniques.

You can watch the entire video for free on Youtube here. The description of the video has bookmarks to the 3 parts, so you may easily navigate around the video.

Members of the NHSS/SPE Membership program can download the formulation guide with rubric chain (25 pages) and blend blueprint here.

The February live class is scheduled for Tuesday, 2/25/25 and will focus on: Spikenard Oil, neurohormonal dysregulation, the human rhythmic system; rhythmicity as a factor in health and disease, and, if there is time, rhythmic, intermittent fasting to assist weight loss.

I'll be in touch again next week.


Dr. B

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High-Intensity PEMF Machine from

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The Hi-Tech High-Intensity PEMF (HIPEMF) Machine is a result of several years of research and development. It’s a truly powerful system with maximum output of over 2.4 Tesla using the butterfly loops. At these intensities one can feel muscle contractions and the pulse propagating deep inside in the body and providing immense relief in any area of inflammation.

It comes with 4 applicators including a PEMF mat, large loop, butterfly (double loop) and paddles.

The low price (the cost is half as what was the cost of similar intensity systems) and yet high quality build and SSL signal design makes this system a great choice for anyone wanting to implement high power PEMF at home or clinic. Delivered worldwide with free shipping included in the purchase price. Plus you will receive a 2-hour training video and downloadable guide by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky (NMD, HMC, MH) that explains the creative uses of the PEMF machine. Here’s an excerpt from the training video.

Members of the NHSS/SPE Membership program can view the full 2 hr+ video and download the resources here.

Learn More and Order Online

About Dr. Berkowsky

Dr. Bruce Berkowsky (N.M.D., H.M.C., M.H.) has devoted himself as a teacher and practitioner of the art and science of natural healing for over 40 years. He has constructed a dynamic system of health creation from a synthesis of the complementary aspects of traditional naturopathy, classical homeopathy, western science, traditional eastern healing arts and anthroposophical science. He applies modern physiological and biochemical knowledge into a context that acknowledges the unity of human life with the fundamental elements and rhythms of nature. And for the past 25 years Dr. Berkowsky has devoted much of his attention to the development of the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE), a system of deep, soul-level healing work with essential oils.

Enquiries for sponsorships, speaking, and interviews are welcome. Simply contact us with any questions and we’ll get back to you asap!

DISCLAIMER: All content is intended as an educational tool, and not as a prescription. Readers are advised to seek the advice of their healthcare providers before discontinuing any medication and/or trying any new remedy or technique.

© Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky is the founder/teacher of the Natural Health Science System™ which he has developed over the course of his 40+ years of research and private practice, and includes: traditional naturopathy (N.M.D., MRN, CTN); herbology (M.H.); nutrition (Ph.D.); homeopathy (DHM, H.M.C.); massage and bodywork (NCTMB); aromatherapy (cert.); constitutional iridology (cert.) as well as East/West healing arts/exercises/bodywork.

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

Dr. Berkowsky, a registered naturopath, master herbalist and classical homeopath, is the founder/teacher of Spiritual PhytoEssencing and the Natural Health Science System which he designed following many years of research and clinical practice.