Valentine's Day and the One-To-One Relationship

Hello Everyone,

What began in 1496 as a feast for a martyred Catholic saint, complexly morphed over the centuries into the familiar, overly commercialized, superficial, celebration of romantic love. Nevertheless, it provides me with the pretext to discuss oils that are specific for the one-to-one relationship.

In homeopathy, sodium remedies such as Nat. mur. (sodium chloride) and Nat. phos. (sodium phosphate), due to sodium having only one electron in its outer ring and, thus, the propensity to form bonds with other atoms, are associated with the theme of the one-to-one relationship.

In Spiritual PhytoEssencing, certain essential oils, primarily because of synchronicity relationships with sodium homeopathic remedies (e.g. celery seed oil/Nat. mur.; monarda oil/Nat. phos.), are classified as “sodium theme” oils.

One of the emotional themes of sodium revolves around the need to form or sustain a satisfying one-to-one relationship. Thus, any form of rejection causes hurt or disappointment. There is an underlying fear of being hurt and of being alone as well as feelings of low self-esteem and insecurity. Without a strong, satisfying relationship, the sodium type feels isolated and becomes withdrawn.

Here is the Sodium Themes rubric from the SPE Repertory of Essential Oils.


cedarwood; celery seed; clove; goldenrod; juniper; monarda; olive leaf; rosewood; sandalwood; seaweed

Of course, there are various other essential oils that also associated with the theme of the one-to-one relationship (e.g., rose and jasmine). However, the oils included in the above rubric, while less commonly thought of in this context, are definitely worth investigating when formulating a blend in those cases where the center of gravity of emotional symptoms revolves around the theme of the one-to-one relationship.

Jasmine Oil

According to Hindu lore, Kama, the god of love, tipped his arrows with jasmine flowers so they would have the power to infuse the heart with desire. Jasmine oil is often described as being an aphrodisiac. However, this aphrodisiac action does not involve the oil’s direct stimulation of the sexual sensitivity. My article below titled, "Prelude To A Kiss" goes into more depth on the use of jasmine oil.

The Heart

The heart has long been considered to be the center of romantic feelings. Thus, the prominence of the heart symbol on Valentine’s Day cards.

The heart, the central organ of the body’s rhythmic system (the maintenance of rhythmicity of all physiological functions is essential for vibrant health; disease is always characterized by a loss of essential rhythmicity), is commonly portrayed as a pump that initiates blood circulation. However, it is the movement of the blood that sets the heart in motion rather than vice versa. In lab experiments where a heart has been stopped for days, it begins beating again after the reintroduction of flowing blood. Blood circulation actually begins with a primary flowing in the tiniest peripheral blood vessels within the skin. The heart is essentially a sense-organ that perceives this stream of blood and reacts to it.

The skin contains a vast capillary network, referred to by traditional naturopaths as the “skin heart,” which is as crucial as the actual heart for normal circulation. The vast storage capacity of the skin’s blood vessels enable them to act as reservoirs that release, or store, blood as needed. The activity of the skin’s blood vessels powerfully influences the rhythmicity of circulatory function. It is the “skin heart” that is the engine of primary flowing.

Vibrant health is dependent not only upon the purity of the blood, but also, the maintenance of its ideal velocity. If the movement of the blood through the blood vessels slows, its solid elements begin to settle out of solution. Consequently, red blood cells can clump together and general circulatory congestion results.

Regular use of my Vital Chi Skin-Brushing System exerts a powerful toning action upon the “skin-heart” and primary flowing. Discover two more ways in my article below titled, "The Bloodstream: The River of Life."

As rhythmicity is a crucial factor in sustaining a one-to-one relationship, spikenard oil, a primary essential oil regarding heart rhythm, is another essential oil to consider when preparing blends designed to nourish heart-felt feelings.

I-Thou Relation

Valentine’s Day, despite its tenuous connection with real meaning, can serve as a reminder to always project warmth and acknowledgment on a soul-to-soul level to one’s life-partner. The great philosopher Martin Buber, one of the primary influences in the philosophical context of SPE, writes in his classic work, I And Thou:

“The basic word I-Thou can be spoken only with one’s whole being. The concentration and fusion into a whole being can never be accomplished by me, can never be accomplished without me. I require a Thou to become; becoming I, I say Thou….The present not that which is like a point and merely designates whatever our thoughts may posit at the end of ‘elapsed’ time, the fiction of the fixed lapse, but the actual and fulfilled present exists only insofar as presentness, encounter and relation exist. Only as the Thou becomes present does presence come into being.”

As always, please feel free to write to me, my team and I am here to work with you and help you learn.

Dr. Bruce

Serene Waters™ SPE Blend by Dr. Berkowsky

Serene Waters is designed to be used in warm full baths, warm hand soaks and warm foot soaks. Its main purpose is to relax the energy body, especially as it relates to the emotional body; reduce psychical tension and resistance; encourage deeper soul incarnation into the physical body. It's a perfect way to enjoy a rejuvenating bath!

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Prelude To A Kiss: Jasmine Oil And Overcoming The Fear Of Intimacy

The fear of intimacy may be the product of a diverse array of causative factors. Learn how and where Jasmine oil can be utilized in SPE for overcoming this fear.

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NHSS/SPE Membership Program

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The NHSS/SPE Membership Program, provides instruction regarding the two interactive systems (the Natural Health Science System and Spiritual PhytoEssencing) that I have developed over my many years of training, research and practice, in order to help members understand how to actualize their full self-healing potential.

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Featured Member Zone Pages

Homeopathy & Essential Oils for Trauma and Bone Injuries

I began the class with a focus on homeopathy for trauma and bone injuries. There was also a review of the Meridian Clock – Cell Salts Integrated Therapeutic Modality Protocol (the acronym for this is: MC-CSITM – pronounced “MC-System” Protocol). Additionally, I demonstrated how to create an essential oil blend to aid in the healing of bone fractures. I have attached the document I was working from during the class that features some of this material including the ingredient list for the essential oil blend.

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Lymphatic Drainage Manual

Lymphatic Drainage Manual

This updated Lymphatic Drainage Manual contains instructions for lymphatic drainage of the axillary (armpit) region, neck, face, chest and breasts. It also includes instructions for the use of the SPE Lymph-Flow Blend as part of these procedures.

My NHSS Lymphatic Drainage Protocol is unique in that it is a synthesis of techniques from Dr. Emil Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage system, Dr. Randolph Stone’s Polarity Therapy, early 20th century osteopathic medicine and traditional naturopathic medicine. I have designed the protocol so that it can be used either to treat someone else or for self-treatment.

These are techniques that I have used to very good effect for more than 30 years and so I have integrated and organized them into a specific sequence for others to work with as well. These techniques can be adapted to self-treatment. I personally use these techniques weekly to twice monthly.

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About Dr. Berkowsky

Dr. Bruce Berkowsky (N.M.D., H.M.C., M.H.) has devoted himself as a teacher and practitioner of the art and science of natural healing for over 40 years. He has constructed a dynamic system of health creation from a synthesis of the complementary aspects of traditional naturopathy, classical homeopathy, western science, traditional eastern healing arts and anthroposophical science. He applies modern physiological and biochemical knowledge into a context that acknowledges the unity of human life with the fundamental elements and rhythms of nature. And for the past 25 years Dr. Berkowsky has devoted much of his attention to the development of the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE), a system of deep, soul-level healing work with essential oils.

Do join us on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to get learn daily with Dr. BB. Simply contact us with any questions and we’ll get back to you asap!

DISCLAIMER: All content is intended as an educational tool, and not as a prescription. Readers are advised to seek the advice of their healthcare providers before discontinuing any medication and/or trying any new remedy or technique.
© Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky is the founder/teacher of the Natural Health Science System™ which he has developed over the course of his 40+ years of research and private practice, and includes: traditional naturopathy (N.M.D., MRN, CTN); herbology (M.H.); nutrition (Ph.D.); homeopathy (DHM, H.M.C.); massage and bodywork (NCTMB); aromatherapy (cert.); constitutional iridology (cert.) as well as East/West healing arts/exercises/bodywork.

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

Dr. Berkowsky, a registered naturopath, master herbalist and classical homeopath, is the founder/teacher of Spiritual PhytoEssencing and the Natural Health Science System which he designed following many years of research and clinical practice.