Re-establishing Earth-rootedness with Qi Gong & PEMF; Featured Articles & More!

Hello Everyone,

I hope your weekend was relaxing and the upcoming week is healthy and productive.

The modern individual has become egregiously estranged from Earth-rootedness and this is a major factor in all the chronic ailments and psychospiritual stuckness that now afflicts humankind.

We have come a long way in the last 50 years. There is much greater understanding now about therapeutic nutrition, herbal medicine, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, etc. However, the waters are still being muddied by those who continue to favor reductionism instead of wholism, and an emphasis upon disease destruction rather than health creation.

The human organism is designed to strive toward health, not disease. Disease is often a defensive reaction brought about by poor lifestyle habits. Therefore, the power to cure disease resides only within the patient's body, but that innate power cannot fully prevail until wrong living habits stop and the fundamental elements of life and health, in necessary measure, have been set in place, namely: proper diet; pure water; fresh air; sunlight; adequate exercise, warmth, rest and sleep; emotional harmony; proper posture.

My Natural Health Science System (NHSS) consists of a synthesis of healthful, all-natural diet, strategic nutritional supplementation, herbal medicine, cell salts, homeopathy, Vital-Chi Skin-Brushing, hydrotherapies, healthful air bathing and sunbathing, stretching exercises, chi kung (qigong) exercise, deep breathing exercises, acupoint therapy and other forms of self-directed therapeutic bodywork to achieve vibrant physical wellness.

One of the top priorities regarding the prevention or elimination of unwellness is the reestablishment of order via synchronization with the rhythms of the natural universe. After all, a synonym for disease is “disorder.” So long as lifestyle dysrhythmia prevails, internal chaos, to one degree or another, will offer formidable resistance to whatever measures are introduced to rectify a pattern of chronic physical unwellness and/or emotional disharmony. Therefore, the reestablishment of physiological and psychical rhythmicity, through lifestyle changes and other measures such as those described below, is a crucial first step on the road to physical vitality and wholeness of being.

Qi Gong

For many years, I have been practicing qigong (aka chi kung), an ancient Chinese healing art that employs coordinated movement, breathing, and meditation to support both health and spiritual connection.

In the book Iron Shirt Chi Kung, qigong master Mantak Chia writes: “At the spiritual level of rooting it is important to know that, as there is a Father Heaven, so there is a Mother Earth. In the spiritual levels of practice, many people want to raise themselves to a higher level to be filled with spiritual energy. If you want to go higher, you must take care that your foundation, your rooting, is good. The connection between heaven and Earth is most important in the Taoist practices [Taoism was one of the main contributors to the development of qigong]. In the higher practices, the ground energy from Mother Earth is equally important to the spiritual energy from Father Heaven.”

In qigong, emphasis is placed upon rootedness to the Earth via the exertion of pressure upon various areas of the sole of the foot and the grasping of the ground with the toes. Lee Holden Chi Kung (Qi Gong) teacher has some great courses if you’re interested to learn online.

My Flow, Motion and Power Exercise System derives from my many years of eclectic training in both Western and Eastern exercise disciplines, to integrate strength, endurance and flexibility in equal measure. The complete system is very extensive but basic routine described in this fully illustrated 35 pages booklet powerfully demonstrates its fundamental dynamics.

Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy

In the NHSS, one of the major adjunctive therapies used is pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy. I find the use of PEMFs attuned to the Earth’s natural electromagnetic frequencies is another important method for increasing rootedness via vibrational resonance with those frequencies.

I have found pulsed electromagnetic therapy to be very balancing, relaxing and supportive of recovery power. Many have reported improved sleep quality, better cognitive functions, reduced pain levels and a general feeling of better mind/body/spirit integration.

PEMF therapy relieves pain by accelerating the body’s restorative processes. Read this article to learn more about its cellular mechanisms.


It is now common knowledge that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by wireless routers, microwave ovens, computers, etc., can disrupt essential biological processes and even alter your DNA.

There is a wide spectrum of EMFs. High-frequency EMFs, such as X-rays that can register frequencies in the hundred quintillion Hz range, are the most disruptive to your body because of their ionizing potential.

Accordingly, they exert a level of energy sufficient to break electrons away from the atoms which all cells are composed of, thus altering cellular function. Even non-ionizing, middle frequency range of EMFs (microwave ovens, for example, register around ten billion Hz) can initiate changes in DNA and disrupt circadian rhythm.

In contrast, most PEMF treatments involve frequencies in the 5-30 Hz range. Additionally, PEMF treatments are relatively brief, as opposed to the continuous exposure to EMFs resulting from daylong proximity to a cell phone tower.

How is PEMF applied?

PEMF therapy involves the use of a mat, or pads, paddles or loops externally, which deliver electromagnetic pulses of energy that penetrate the body to the cellular level.

There are a wide variety of PEMF devices on the market today that vary in quality and intensity. Most of the commercially available models are low-intensity devices generating 1 to 10 gauss of power. Mid-range intensity models that generate power in the 80 to 1000 gauss range are also available.

Image Courtesy:

Both low-intensity and high-intensity PEMF can provide distinct benefit. However, the benefits of the low-intensity devices are the product of cumulative use.

In other words, regular use of a low-intensity PEMF mat will deliver a degree of immediate benefit, but their ability to exert a significant impact upon a deeply ingrained, inertial condition requires long-term, consistent use.

In this way, the cumulative effects of the therapy sessions achieves a type of critical mass that, to some degree, overcomes the inertia of the case and propels it along a directional process toward deep-healing, rather than just transient amelioration of symptoms.

On the other hand, the High-Intensity PEMF Machine from that I use generates as much as 24,700 gauss.

High-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy has shown benefits for recovery, regeneration and healing various disorders in bones, cartilages and muscles, and also increases the levels of ATP in the body allowing the body to naturally heal itself. Additionally, PEMF is non-invasive, non-thermal, safe and easy to apply.

PEMF can be applied in a conventional manner (e.g., use the mat to treat the entire back or use direct application of the paddles to an injured knee to help heal that injury).

However for those wanting to apply it skillfully, I have developed some creative protocols by adapting certain aspects of healing systems such as the Chakra System, early 20th century chiropractic and osteopathy, Chapman's Neuro-Lymphatic Reflexes, Tom Tam Healing System, Dr. Richard Tan's Balance Method, Dr. Reinhardt Voll's electroacupuncture, etc.

You can watch this webinar (2+ hrs) I conducted last year to learn more. The PDF manual of practical, home-use protocols is available in the member zone for all members of the NHSS/SPE Annual Membership Program. Members can download the PDF here.

After years of intense naturopathic practice, I came to the conclusion that separation from one’s true, inner nature is one of the primary roots of disharmony on both physical and emotional levels. The soul is the origin and domain of this true, inner nature. Thus, the resolution of this estrangement from the inner point (the point where one’s self interfaces with spirit) and from daily guidance by one’s intrinsic soul nature is as essential a priority in healing as is dietary change and other elements of naturopathic therapeutics.

On the other hand, a devitalized, dysfunctional physical body impedes momentum toward deep, psycho-spiritual healing. The body, the ‘temple of the soul,’ is the substrate for the living soul. Deep, lasting progress of a soul- level healing process requires optimal incarnation of the soul into the body’s tissues. Ideally, every cell of the body is ensouled. Cancer cells are an example of poorly incarnated cells. Accordingly, the best outcomes in NHSS/SPE work are experienced by those who are engaged in a parallel pursuit of physical wellness. The integration of NHSS and SPE work is an instance where parallel lines do actually meet.

Please feel free to write to me if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy reading the articles in this newsletter and find the information beneficial in your journey to wholeness of being while improving your practice and skills. There's a lot more in store for my readers and students, so stay subscribed here!

With gratitude,
Dr. Bruce Berkowsky (NMD, MRN, CTN, MH, DHM, HMC, PhD (Nutrition), NCTMB)

Featured Articles

Essential Oils, Soul Archetypes and the Six Element Paradigm

Essential Oils, Soul Archetypes and the Six Element Paradigm

The main focus of Six Element Paradigm is the role of the six elements as intermediaries between rational consciousness and the workings of the higher soul. In this article, Dr. Berkowsky presents a description of the Air element and provide a list of some of the essential oils whose inner nature being strongly influenced by the Air element.

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Chronic Acid Reflux and the Decline and Fall of the Modern Stomach – Part 3: The Humble, Mighty Apple

Among the high water-content, alkalizing fruits and vegetables, the apple is one of the most important food-as-medicine components of a stomach-healing protocol. Learn about Reversing Counterflow Chi in the Gastrointestinal Tract, Antioxidant Action: Vitamins, Flavonoids and Polyphenols, Pectin and Other Types of Fiber, Using Apple for GERD relief and more!

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SPE City of Angels Wildfire Trauma Relief Blend Video Class Available Now

This free 2.5 hours+ series by Dr. Berkowsky provides an in-depth view of the Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) method of essential oil blend formulation using the SPE Repertory of Essential Oils and the SPE Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils with a focus on a blend formulated for use with those who were traumatized by the Los Angeles wildfires.

Members of the NHSS/SPE Membership program can download the formulation guide with rubric chain (25 pages) and SPE City of Angels blend blueprint here.

Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine by

The Hi-Tech High-Intensity PEMF (HIPEMF) Machine is a result of several years of research and development. One can feel muscle contractions and the pulse propagating deep inside in the body and providing immense relief in any area of inflammation. It comes with choices of applicators including PEMF mats, large loops, butterfly (double loop) and paddles.

If you decide to purchase the system before 10th March, you will receive the ActiveBioPlus Polarized Light Therapy Device (with stand) free (worth $515). The polarized light therapy lamp is explained in the webinar to combine color therapy with PEMF. It’s delivered worldwide with international warranty and free shipping.

Order PEMF Machine

About Dr. Berkowsky

Dr. Bruce Berkowsky (N.M.D., H.M.C., M.H.) has devoted himself as a teacher and practitioner of the art and science of natural healing for over 40 years. He has constructed a dynamic system of health creation from a synthesis of the complementary aspects of traditional naturopathy, classical homeopathy, western science, traditional eastern healing arts and anthroposophical science. He applies modern physiological and biochemical knowledge into a context that acknowledges the unity of human life with the fundamental elements and rhythms of nature. And for the past 25 years Dr. Berkowsky has devoted much of his attention to the development of the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE), a system of deep, soul-level healing work with essential oils.

Enquiries for sponsorships, speaking, and interviews are welcome. Simply contact us with any questions and we’ll get back to you asap!

DISCLAIMER: All content is intended as an educational tool, and not as a prescription. Readers are advised to seek the advice of their healthcare providers before discontinuing any medication and/or trying any new remedy or technique.
© Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky is the founder/teacher of the Natural Health Science System™ which he has developed over the course of his 40+ years of research and private practice, and includes: traditional naturopathy (N.M.D., MRN, CTN); herbology (M.H.); nutrition (Ph.D.); homeopathy (DHM, H.M.C.); massage and bodywork (NCTMB); aromatherapy (cert.); constitutional iridology (cert.) as well as East/West healing arts/exercises/bodywork.

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

Dr. Berkowsky, a registered naturopath, master herbalist and classical homeopath, is the founder/teacher of Spiritual PhytoEssencing and the Natural Health Science System which he designed following many years of research and clinical practice.