Cell Salts Book now available in Print; Rhythmicity and Health; Articles on Natural Health Science & More!

Hello Everyone,

Hope your week was productive and the weekend is peaceful.

My new book is now available in Paperback Print on Amazon. Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica of the Twelve Cell Salts provides new therapeutic approaches to all practitioners interested in homeopathy, essential oils and acupuncture. This is a textbook to learn the Cell Salts / Corresponding Essential Oils Method and the Acupoint Application of Associated Essential Oils or CSCO Blend.

This book showcases my original therapeutic method that combines central elements of both his Natural Health Science System™(NHSS) and art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing™ (SPE) with cell salts also known as tissue salts or Schuessler salts. Each of the twelve cell salts are discussed with regards to their characterology, corresponding meridians, essential oils, herbal and nutritional synergists.

Leading rubrics from his Spiritual PhytoEssencing Repertory of Essential Oils have also been provided to help you identify relevant essential oils that would act synergistically with the use of specific cell salts. Once you have the book in your hands, visit the page on my website to see a video on how to use the book.

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In the 1930s, famed Swedish health teacher Are Waerland began his Sun Viking movement. Many of his students experienced greatly improved health and even recovery from serious illnesses. Waerland taught that disease was a disturbance of a person’s life-rhythm, established through millions of years of biological evolution. He told his students to look outside the body to environmental conditions as primary factors that create health or disease. Waerland felt that health could only be produced, and disease eliminated, by restoring the original human life-rhythm, which depends upon an unhindered relationship between the human body and the external factors of Nature.

The rhythmic system is an internal organization required to establish equilibrium between the nerve-sense system and the metabolic-limb system. Illness results when there is a disturbance of balance between these two systems. If the nerve-sense system dominates, then the processes of consciousness and catabolism obstruct normal metabolism and anabolism. On the other hand, if the metabolic-limb system dominates, the opposite occurs. The primary organs of the rhythmic system are the heart, and secondarily, the lungs. Heart and lung activities is characterized by ceaseless rhythm.

Read this article to learn more about the rhythms of the natural world, the three-fold human organism, the rhythmic system, the heart, digestive rhythms, emotional disharmony and suggestions to help restore healthy rhythmicity.

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Disharmonious operations of the mind/body organism, in general, precedes the localization of a disease state. The functional and organic changes that ensue after localization are the results of the disease, not the disease itself. 

The physicians of ancient times understood the inseparability of the human being from the natural universe and that disease was a consequence of, and perpetuated by, alienation of individuals from their natural milieu. Hence, those physicians used fundamental elements such as fresh air, pure water, sunlight, natural diet and exercise not only to ameliorate symptoms in the short-term, but to effect the reintegration needed to sustain health in the long-term.

As a traditional naturopath since the early 70s, I've developed systems to make the individual whole again. Some of the most successful soul-level healing modalities I developed or have used include:

  1. Spiritual Phytoessencing

  2. Flow, Motion and Power Exercise

  3. Balancing Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium

  4. Vital Chi Skin Brushing and Hydrotherapies

  5. The 12 Cell Salts

  6. and Modern wellness technologies based on basic building blocks of life such as molecular hydrogen and electromagnetic field therapies.

Here at NaturalHealthScience.com it is our mission to help you learn to be your own "inner physician". I hope the books, videos, articles and essential oil blends help you obtain and experience the knowledge and tools to live a healthy, wholesome life. 

Please feel free to write to me, my team and I am here to work with you and help you grow.

Dr. BB

Spiritual PhytoEssencing – Master Chakra Blend

The Master Chakra Blend is an essential oil blend to help harmonize all one’s chakras. If you want to learn blending for treating more specific imbalances, information on chakra affinities are presented in my Six Elements and Chakras Workbook. Formulated by Dr. Berkowsky and blended by hand using the Spiritual PhytoEssencing layered blending method (blended in a series of layers) and alchemy blending techniques.

Learn more and order online

Foods That Build Immunological Resisting Power: Coconut Oil and Viral Infection

immunity coconut oil lauric acid viral infection essential oil

Learn how to use coconut oil for building immunological resisting power, Dr. Berkowsky’s coconut milk recipe and essential oil formula.

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Magnesium, the Cell Salt Magnesium Phosphate and Muscle Tension, Spasms and Anxiety

magnesium muscle tension mag phos

In this article, I discuss magnesium and the magnesium cell salt– Mag. phos. (Magnesium phosphate). Mag. phos. is one of the leading cell salts for those struggling to move forward despite the formidable headwinds of high-stress contemporary existence.

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Rejuvenate Thyroid Function with Skin-Brushing, Hydrotherapy and Essential Oils

Thyroid Skin-Brushing Hydrotherapy and Essential Oils aromatherapy

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky is the founder/teacher of the Natural Health Science System™ which he has developed over the course of his 40+ years of research and private practice, and includes: traditional naturopathy (N.M.D., MRN, CTN); herbology (M.H.); nutrition (Ph.D.); homeopathy (DHM, H.M.C.); massage and bodywork (NCTMB); aromatherapy (cert.); constitutional iridology (cert.) as well as East/West healing arts/exercises/bodywork.

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Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

Dr. Berkowsky, a registered naturopath, master herbalist and classical homeopath, is the founder/teacher of Spiritual PhytoEssencing and the Natural Health Science System which he designed following many years of research and clinical practice.